The Story (Daily Comet): Candy shaped like marijuana that’s showing up on store shelves around the country won’t get kids high, but aghast city leaders and anti-drug activists say the product and grocers carrying it represent a new low.
“We’re already dealing with a high amount of drug abuse and drug activity and trying to raise children so they don’t think using illegal substances is acceptable,” said City Councilmember Darius Pridgen. “So to have a licensed store sell candy to kids that depicts an illegal substance is just ignorant and irresponsible.”
The “Pothead Ring Pots,” “Pothead Lollipops” and bagged candy are distributed to retail stores by the novelty supply company Kalan LP of the Philadelphia suburb of Lansdowne. It also wholesales online for $1 for a lollipop and $1.50 for a package of three rings.
The Analysis: Personally, I don't have five on it because I don't really eat much Candy. And neither will my children, especially this kind of Candy. People will sell just about anything to make a buck. You got kids who can barely read or count. I wonder whatever happen to the Luniz?
Nevertheless, please support a drug free America. For information visit