Monday, December 14, 2009

"Up in Smoke"

So this is how you get 1 million YouTube hits...

When is a bet not a bet?  A week ago while the New Orleans Saints were on the verge of loosing to the Redskins, a fan decided to Facebook (FB) his friends saying if the Saints came back to win, they could all come over and shoot up his 60 inch flat screen TV...not only did they shoot up his TV, but they set the YouTube world on fire when he posted the actual video.  Buddy actually predicted that he was going to get a 1 million YouTube hits, I'm just not sure this was the smartest way to go about it!  Let's not even talk about all of the laws being broken in this video.  I can only imagine what would happen if the SAINTS actually win the Super Bowl.

I know, nothing to do with nothing...roo!


  1. this is some ole backwoods country foolery! drinking alcohol, shooting guns and tackling TV's... this says a lot about Saints fans. Not the loyalty...but the stupidity! lol!

  2. it could be worse, like being a Raiders or Panthers FAN!


  3. Fall back with the Raiders jokes ... we shoot people not TVs


  4. Now those are some die hard fans!
