Thursday, February 11, 2010


Yes, apparently he did! 

Just when the music world takes two steps forward (2010 We are the World Remake), they give them right back. And this time believe it or not, it’s wasn't Kanye West.

I’m trying to figure out why I am so shocked to hear about singer John Mayer dropping the “N” word recently in a playboy interview. It’s sad to say this, but just like many others, it won’t be the last time he says it, only the last time he says it in a public interview…and even that’s a maybe! (Shout out to DM for sending this to me)
Read Article Here

Playboy assisted in Mayer’s rant by asking all the wrong questions and like a dummy he responded with answers that had TMI, in fact way more information than the public needed to know, especially comparing his private part to a white supremacist. NOT COOL!

This isn’t the first time John Mayer has been on front street. In a January Rolling Stone interview, buddy made a series of crude comments about women’s private parts.

The hit song “Daughters” was consistently in my music rotation just a few years back. 

I am honestly more shocked by his foul language and the way he talked about women.  Oh well, I’m sure like Tiger, this too shall past. I can hear some old person right now saying..."Where is Rev. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson when you need them?" HAHA!


  1. yea, i was kind of shocked by this one as well. but it just goes to show just because he sings all of those nice slow songs, doesn't mean he's not a jerk!

  2. I don't understand why anyone is shocked by this. If you're white, I wouldn't put it past you to say the "N" word, and if you're black, I wouldn't put it past you to say the "C" word.

    This doesn't mean that you are racist, but it's just something that happens in the heat of the moment. To me, it's no different from a person getting into an argument with his/her significant other, family member, or friend and you get so mad that you say something hurtful that you don't really mean. It doesn't mean you hate that person, but it's just you blowing off steam and anger.

    We get caught up in these celebrity's public appearances and we forget that these people have private lives that we have no clue about. The real person comes out sooner or later ... it's hard to be fake!
