Tuesday, August 24, 2010


"Pass or Fail..."
Introducing 50 Tyson...
I think the larger issue (if there is one) here is that I hope this young man is not being exploited or being taking advantage of.  At least get paid off of your talent, or lack there of.  He has over a million YouTube hits on multiple video posts.  Kevin Hart just ain't right...

50 Tyson also sings...


  1. 50 Tyson and Kevin Hart should have staring contest and whoever loses must HARI KARI.

  2. Roflmfao! Kevin Hart is dumb as hell! As for 50 Tyson, he shouldn't get his hopes up on that record deal! Lawdy!

  3. 50 Tyson is genius! It's all an act!

  4. I don't doubt it...that reminds me of another point, why do we feel as though we have to be something that were not to gain attention or to be noticed?

    Hip Hop and Pop Culture should only be for adults with common sense...because it's corrupting the minds of our youth (50 Tyson) and those adults who still think it's a way of life (Kat Stacks)...this is a whole other blog topic...coming soon I hope.

    Thanks for the support Kswiss!
