Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Cut the President Some Slack"

I agree with his assessment of Mr. West, but come on Mr. President, wait until you and Michelle about to go to bed to say that. You could have even waited until your cigarette break with the secret service man and told him.
I will give you a pass again, for the second time, but next time be careful because I'm not sure if I will be able to honor your request and "cut you some slack."


  1. come on now, who are we kidding...does he really need to request a pardon from iTooDream? or anybody else for that matter?

    I mean, he is the President. I wouldn't have apologized or given a crap about what anyone had to say.

    Congress (his boss) isn't concerned so why are we? Let's find a way to divorce politics (his personal opinionin this case) from entertainment.

  2. He's the president, he has no personal opinion in public...i.e., outside of the white house walls.

  3. He's the President ... iTooDream or anyone else can have an opinion on what he says just like he can have an opinion on what you do. If it's "for the people & by the people" then Obama (the people) can say something like that. He's smart enough to comment on Kanye West and not Bill O'Reily or Imus or some idiot like that.

    But you're right Niz, he could have said that in a more secure place but eff it ... he's the President. Hail to the chief or neck yourself!

  4. so upset with Barack at the moment... trying to wait and see when he is going to mature as the President of the United States and stop making these immature comments. Stop falling for the "coon-traps" Obama!! they are out to get you and you keep falling for it!
    if bruce pearl cant stay stuff about his players, what makes you think you can make an "off the record" comment about stupid kanye! news flash... its never off the record for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!

    I am praying for ya Barack!
