Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Daddy's Little Girl"

Men and I'm sure a few women dream about catching or even touching a ball at a professional sports event. I use to get excited just to catch T-shirts at Carolina football games as a student. Earlier this year, the same kid caught two foul balls in the same MLB game. I actually stop getting dress that morning and stood in front the TV and started clapping. And I did the same when this Dad made a nice catch at a Phillies game last night (shout out to KMAC) only to have his toddler immediatedely daughter throw it back over the ledge.

I'm not even going to lie...I probably would have started to cry as I was giving my child a hug. But I have to agree with the news report, he handled that just like a father should. And now he's famous.

Shout out to all the fathers!


  1. Man I tip my hat to that father ... he did a good job. LOL his reaction was priceless though. My pops woulda got locked up for beating me on National TV for throwing the ball! lol

  2. Good Form Dad, Good Form
